Sunday, October 14, 2012

Movie Review: Pitch Perfect

Pitch Perfect, to me, was a surprisingly brilliant musical film and actually a breath of fresh air that's above the heap of some lifeless and senseless college comedies.Yes, the plot wasn't ridiculously original, but it has a clever and witty scriptwriting, an amusing cast - Rebel Wilson was flat out hilarious - and an undeniable infectious sense of fun. Of course, the musical number were absolutely delightful and quite spectacular. This is actually a stellar Glee / The Sing-Off love child. A stylish, fun and bouncy film that handles everything, despite its predictability, in a way that was suprising yet completely fulfilling. You know how I know Pitch Perfect was a thoroughly entertaining film? I couldn’t stop smiling for five minutes straight, and towards the end of it all, I had to reach down and lift my jaw off the floor. More often than not, this lives up to its own title.



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