Sunday, March 8, 2015

Movie Review: Focus

A film like Focus stands or falls on the charisma of its stars, the intricacy of its plot, and the execution of it all. Luckily, the film pretty much succeeded on all three counts. The movie contained an intelligent screenplay - although I did prefer the first half over the last part - the editing and direction were very sharp, the pacing was just about right, and there's a comedic tone that I didn't fully expect. It was full of a number of nifty loops and details one have to watch carefully to follow through. The cast was also quite stellar. Will Smith was believable, but Margot Robbie stole the show. Yes, some may find the film far too shallow to have any real worth, but Focus was purely out there to entertain, and it's a popcorn movie that's excellent and well-crafted. It's like a cinematic junk food of the highest order, but then, since when has junk food not been satisfying? 7.5


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